In my previous post, I talked briefly about my trip to Chachapoyas for the 7th annual National Conference of Rural Community Tourism. This conference brought together community members and NGOs from across Peru, providing a forum for discussion of diverse experiences of RTC.
The conference took place in Chachapoyas, the principal city and capital of the northern state of Amazonas.
The conference included cultural demonstrations by community groups from across Peru.
The conference also provided local community tourism organizations with a chance to show off some of their attractions, like the Huancas Canyon.
We also got the chance to visit the regions most impressive attraction, the ruins of Kuelap...
...a visit that included cultural presentations by, and interactions with, a local RCT group.
Finally we arrived at the ruins of the Kuelap fortress, the ancient home of the Chachapoyas, a preColumbian civilazation that rivaled, and was eventually defeated by, the Incas.
Throughout the trip we had the chance to try some unique and delicious amazonian food...
... watch some local artisans hard at work....
... and finish it off with a song and parade. Here's the Caminando con el Apu Pariacaca delegation.
Thanks for reading,